Geoff Neal Litho 020 8751 4455
This has always been a hotly-contested category and this year was no exception. However, there was no doubting the outcome as the judges were completely bowled over by one entry: that of the 2006 and 2007 winner Geoff Neal Litho. "Head and shoulders above the rest", Geoff Neal's work was "beautiful looking", had "perfect quality" and was "a pleasure to judge". This was direct mail of the highest order, as the Feltham-based printer demonstrated excellent integration of the design and attention to detail, resulting in "eye-catching pieces that will make consumers take note". Its Boots Carefree sampling pack brilliantly delivered on the brief to produce a fun, effective and feminine mail piece containing a message plus samples that women could relate to. This was accomplished by designing a mail pack to resemble the way a woman might pack for an overnight stay. After its absence from the awards last year, Geoff Neal really has returned in style, producing an "outstanding entry".
Real Digital International 020 8603 7000
Real Digital wins a second commendation in a row in this category for its strong use of data management. The judges praised the Croydon printer's combination of "data integrity" and "quality digital print". As part of its work for Airmiles on the loyalty scheme operator's customer statements, Real Digital profiled the point value and previous activity of each account holder and used this as the basis, via look-up tables, from which to drive relevant content to the account holder, using gender, life-stage, spend and history as significant drivers.
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PrintWeek Direct Mail Printer of the Year 2009: Geoff Neal Litho