Printers value high-quality and low-impact papers, research claims

More than half of printers believe it is still worth spending more on high-quality business papers and most are selecting environmentally accredited papers, according to research undertaken by Arjowiggins.

The paper manufacturer found that more than 75% of those questioned thought that environmental credentials were key to selecting paper for external business communications.

The majority of respondents also said that they had changed to more environmentally friendly paper brands in the past year.

However, 53% said that they did not use a recycled paper for corporate and promotional material.

David Cook, UK and Ireland sales and marketing director, said: "It's no surprise that environmental credentials rank high.

"However, the fact that printers are still choosing quality paper, despite tougher budgets, really shows how much businesses think their letterhead says about them."

The research, which was carried out with a sample of 45 printers by market research company ICM, aimed to highlight what drives paper usage in business communications in 2008.

Arjowiggins said it has reduced its carbon emissions by 5% over the last two years and has also reduced its energy usage.