The Print Buying Group, headed up by Malcolm Bailey, has taken the collective buying group premise from the office supplies market and adopted it for UK print.
By Bailey's estimation, the group could save members between 10% and 15% on their consumables costs within the first year. Membership is free for the first 12 months.
"We want to help both printers and suppliers win as much work as possible, increase their profits, increase demand and create a more streamlined process throughout the industry," he said.
According to Bailey, the group began taking members last month and there is already "a great appetite" for membership with 140 applications sent out last week.
"If you are a printer spending £10,000 on a certain paper each year and you're pooled with a company spending 10 times that, you will both be benefiting from a more competitive rate," he said.
Bailey said that the group could go some way to opening up the print marketplace for new companies but added it would take time before people were less sceptical of the potential benefits.
"Stability is our driving factor. We want to help the print industry and truly believe this is a way of doing that," he added.
Print Buying Group formed to 'help printers save on consumables'
A new company that aims to pool together printers' buying power to take advantage of the most competitive supplier rates on consumables has been formed in a bid to "help the industry and make it more stable," according to its director.