PODi unveils working group to capitalise on cloud technology applications

PODi has unveiled a new strategy working group that aims to help define how the advent of cloud computing technology will be used in the print production process.

The initiative, which will be chaired by Craig White, distinguished technologist of workflow at HP, also features figures from companies such as EFI and Xerox.

Described by White as a move to "create clarity" in how best to use the cloud in print production workflows, the group has set out a charter of its aims.

It plans to identify which applications would most benefit from the cloud, as well as creating a reference workflow and architecture for each production application.

PODi chief executive Rab Govil said the challenge for print businesses today was managing the collaboration between many geographically different participants.

"Production represents only 10% of the cycle time for delivering direct marketing materials with the other 90% involving activities like coordination, content management, versioning, data processing, testing and approvals," he added.

For more information on the initiative, e-mail info@podi.org