The project aims to reduce the environmental impact of a company and also cut costs.
So far, the site in Germany has saved 120,000m3 of water at the site, 16,000kwh of electrical energy, 42,000mwh of heat energy and 486 tonnes of pulp.
The savings in steam and heat recuperation in the papermaking machines has meant the company has cut back nearly 15,000 tonnes worth of CO2 emissions.
Managing director of the site, Gerhard Schoon, said: "Even in economically challenging times, we have consistently prioritised environmentally aware production and further processing methods for our products."
The company said it is particularly proud of its extensive environment programme that it drew up as part of the Eco Profit project.
Ecoprofit is a collaboration project between the municipality and the business sector. It aims to reduce environmental impact, while cutting the cost of running a company.
It is a module-based consultancy and qualification programme that assists companies to introduce and improve operational aspects of their environmental management programme.