The 72ppm Pro C720 follows on from the Pro C900, a 90ppm production colour machine, which was launched at Drupa. Despite being billed as light production the Pro C720 runs at its rated speed of 72ppm on all stocks up to its maximum rated 300gsm, whereas most light-production kit has to slow down substantially to fuse thick stocks. Productivity is also ensured with the ability to load toner and paper on the fly, while image quality is assured with 1,200dpi resolution with multi-bit tonality. Workflow is provided by an EFI Fiery for the machine, which has an AMPV of 40,000 sheets.
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"Lee De’ath, starting to feel typecast in the insolvency department? Fancy a change in a career? Children's entertainer maybe?"
"Fantastic investment its great to see."
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