CEPI criticises NGOs initiative

The Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) has said that Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) are "misleading public perceptions" with their new campaign Shrink, which is designed to reduce paper consumption in Europe.

The campaign, launched by 50 European NGOs this week, highlights what it claims are irresponsible practices among European paper producers citing tropical deforestation and high CO2 emissions.

CEPI has refuted the allegations, which it claims misleads the public by “purposely mixing global and European issues and reducing all problems to paper production”.

Teresa Presas, CEPI managing director, said: “We cannot accept that these NGOs attributed to the European paper industry issues, such as tropical deforestation and CO2 emissions, in quantities three times higher than global aviation.

“Focusing on paper consumption is not going to stop climate change. Sustainability is an all embracing approach.”