Atlantic Zeiser Group launches late-stage customisation packaging kit

Supplier Atlantic Zeiser Group has targeted the packaging market with the launch of its digital late-stage customisation and personalisation product Digiline Single Product 300 at Interpack 2011.

The Digiline Single Product 300 offers product widths of between 30 and 1,050mm. All printer units are available with Omega, Delta and Gamma print engines as integration modules.

The end-to-end system can be used for packages and products within current production processes.

Marcus Geigle, Atlantic Zeiser communications manager, said: "The most important aspect of the Digiline Single Product 300 is that it can open up new business opportunities for printers.

"It's a very versatile product, and there's a lot of room to integrate different inkjet printing systems."

The price depends on the different integration modules, but Geigle said that prices start at £120,000, which includes configuration.

At Interpack, the company demonstrated the versatility of the system, and the possibilities for high-resolution industrial digital printing of variable data on absorbent and non-absorbent surfaces, including 3D packaging.

Atlantic Zeiser Group supplies technology, modules and system products for industrial digital printing.