Antalis McNaughton awarded the Carbon Trust Standard

Antalis McNaughton has been awarded the Carbon Trust Standard after it reduced its carbon emissions by 13.6% in 2010.

The Carbon Trust Standard is based on independent assessment and certifies that organisations have measured, managed and reduced their carbon emissions across their own operations, and are committed to reducing them year on year.

In order to achieve the reduction, Antalis McNaughton reduced its carbon emissions from 17,424 tonnes in the 12 months to 30 September 2008, to 13,783 tonnes in the year to 30 September 2010.

Matthew Botfield, environment manager at the paper merchant, said: "Cutting carbon is a priority for us as a business and delivers tangible bottom-line benefits.

"Going through the assessment process to achieve the Carbon Trust Standard helped us to not only quantify our footprint, but also benchmark our performance and identify areas for improvement bringing tangible and significant cost savings across our operations."

He added that the company aims to make further carbon reductions in the future.

"In the current climate it's essential that we remain competitive, and the Carbon Trust Standard is another way we can stay ahead of the game," he added.