Welcome cure for the Monday morning blues

I was suffering from the Monday morning blues earlier, having emerged from one of those complicated dreams (on this occasion featuring Christian Knapp, motorbikes, and a terrifyingly steep dirt track) that invariably result in waking with a creasy face and the fuggy feeling that there's been no actual sleep whatsoever.

So I'd like to thank the splendidly-named Ezra Leverett at Halesworth Print Finishers for providing me with some much-needed vibrancy and mental refreshment. Seldom has a person sounded so perky on the phone first thing on a Monday, especially when it transpired that he'd been up at some ungodly pre-dawn hour in order to turn a bit of kit on that takes a while to warm up.

Just a few minutes chatting to Ezra has transformed my entire day, his enthusiasm for print finishing and numerous specialist services therein, and for retaining and developing specialist finishing skills, was a real tonic. He should set up some sort of 0898 number for those, such as myself, who find themselves in the occasional slough of despond.

It was a welcome reminder that no matter how cr*ppy things can get, we are still blessed with some wonderful people in this industry. I am adding Ezra to my official list of joy replenishers forthwith.