Major changes afoot at Time Out magazine, which has confirmed that it will move from a paid to free model this autumn. This means it will join magazines such as Shortlist and Stylist in the 'freemium' category coined by Shortlist Media founder Mike Soutar. Time Out will, at some point in the not-too-distant future, be handed out at key tube stations and major transport hubs in the centre of London. In making the move from paid to free the title will also go from a niche sale of circa 55,000 to a more mass circulation figure of 300,000. The change in publishing strategy will be significant for Time Out's print and paper suppliers, as no doubt the paper stock and pagination, and perhaps even the format will change, along with the print run and distribution model. Last year Time Out signed a three-year print deal with BGP. I'm sure the prospect of a more than five-fold increase in the quantity required is music to the ears of the team at Bicester – providing of course that such a significant change in print run, product spec and no doubt unit cost can be accommodated to the satisfaction of all parties. Could it result in a re-tender? [Update at 12:52 - Goodhead's David Holland informs me that the printer's deal with Time Out has been extended. Good news all round for the team at BGP.] Interesting times indeed for those keeping an eye on evolving magazine print and publishing models.
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"Hello Set Off,
Unencumbered assets that weren't on the Reflections books, I believe.
Best regards,
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