Been doing some work for PrintWeek’s upcoming Finishing Report, which has reminded me once again of print’s fantastic ability to create stand-out through special effects such as coating, foiling, cutting and even something as simple as a format change. Printcos – please review your own marketing materials and if you’re not doing so already try and finesse your items to include something that demonstrates what you and this wonderful medium can do – the stuff that’s different from dull old RGB on a screen, and speaks to the inate human desire for tactile experience. While doing background research, I also found it interesting to see how some of our online brands are promoting special print effects. Take, for example. The company started off offering a silk finish on its business cards, it has since added gloss, round cornering, and a luxe option featuring a ‘sandwich’ of Mohawk board. And it does a good job of picturing and explaining these different options on its website. At the firm has also used strong imagery to bring a host of print product options to life on-screen, including detailed close-ups of its luxury paper range. Do make sure you’re doing justice to what print can do, too.
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"And the research was funded by … ?"
"That's inflation, not growth :-)"
"And the Seasons Greetings to you and all of your team at Printweek Towers."
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