Photoshop fun has a serious side

Being skilled at Photoshop is a wondrous thing. Courtesy of something of a non-story in The Guardian I learned that Lily Allen wasn't really standing next to those panthers on the front cover of Q magazine. They were actually in a cage all the time. Surprise! Of course they bloody were.

However, it's thanks to this story that I've discovered a new joy-replenishing website that provides hours of entertainment for anyone looking for a bit of light relief. The contributors to Photoshop Disasters are the sort of eagle-eyed anorak types who spot the wrong type of reflection, as well as more obvious errors such as, oops, a missing leg here or there.

Page upon page of examples go to prove that old proofreading adage that no matter how many hands are involved in the checking process, it's only at the precise moment the finished copies arrive back from the printer that everyone spots the glaring error on the front page.

So while the Photoshop Disasters site offers a bit of extra-curricular fun, it's also alerted me to some possible pitfalls that, now I'm aware of them, I'll certainly bear in mind next time I'm reviewing proofs. In fact, it should be required viewing for anybody involved in magazine, newspaper or catalogue production.