
New year predictions: Mike Phillips, The Delta Group

The Delta Group chief executive Mike Phillips says that while Brexit was a disappointment, it might actually represent an opportunity provided the industry doesn’t get complacent.

New year predictions: Parry Jones, The Specialist Works

Unsurprisingly, given that he’s managing director of print at full service media agency The Specialist Works, Parry Jones is a passionate advocate of print. And all he wants for Christmas is for the...

New year predictions: Ryan Hennessey, The AA

AA head of marketing services Ryan Hennessey knows that savvy printers can call the tune when it comes to variable digital colour, although he’ll also be hoping to rock the sector with a very special...

New year predictions: Charles Jarrold, the BPIF

BPIF chief executive Charles Jarrold says that while there may be some challenges in the year ahead, there will continue to be plenty of opportunities – and on a personal level, he hopes 2017 will be...

Q&A: Michael Collins Printer five-colour B1, Print 4 Nottingham

Michael is 62, and has spent 46 years in the industry. He recently reduced his hours to three days a week as part of a phased move towards retirement.

60 seconds with Woodmansterne

Woodmansterne started in 1953 and for 35 years was the leading publisher and manufacturer of colour slides in the world.

Q&A: Linzi Blackwell Senior graphic designer, Primeprint Newark

Linzi has been working as a graphic designer for Primeprint Newark for six years after graduating with a BA (Hons) in Printed Textiles from University College Falmouth.

60 seconds with Belmont Packaging

Belmont Packaging was founded in 1978. The firm set up an e-commerce division, Boxed-Up, five years ago, supplying a range of boxes to smaller merchants.

Q&A: Jamie Court, managing director, Clinical Print Finishers

Jamie has worked in print finishing for 23 years. He’s married to Kathy and they have two children, Charlie aged six and Abi aged four.

60 seconds with H&H Reeds Printers

The company originally started in 1878 as Reeds, a small family firm of printers and stationers based in Penrith in Cumbria. It remained in the same hands until 2006 when the now managing director...