Print buying
Polestar Applied appoints new execs ahead of Census dry run
Polestar Applied Solutions, the BPO arm that will spearhead Polestar's involvement in the Lockheed Martin-led 2011 Census delivery consortium, has appointed two new executives ahead of a dry run...
Polestar wins share of £150m 2011 Census bumper contract
A consortium including commercial print giant Polestar has won a £150m contract to support the delivery of the 2011 Census for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
CCB produces Glenmuir's golf and clothing brochure
Glasgow-based Creative Colour Bureau (CCB) has produced a new look trade brochure for its long-standing client Glenmuir.
Polestar signs contract worth 100m
Polestar has renewed its agreement with IPC Media after the signing of a five-year deal worth more than 100m following the recent tender process conducted by the publisher.
Transcontinental seals major deal with Canadian newspaper
North American print giant Transcontinental has landed a major contract with a Canadian national newspaper <i>The Globe and Mail</i> worth around $1.7bn (900m).
Orbital awarded three-year Ordnance Survey contract
Ordnance Survey has awarded a three-year contract to data and print services group Orbital Response & Fulfilment, which includes the provision of a personalised print-on-demand map service to...
Coors Brewers awards print contract to Williams Lea
Williams Lea has won a contract from Coors Brewers to help the beer company cut its costs and manage its point-of-sale print spend in the UK.
Council chooses CFH to handle electoral forms
CFH Total Document Management has been awarded a contract by Bath and North East Somerset Council (B&NES) to produce its annual canvass documentation.
New NHS clients for Collector Set Printers
Collector Set Printers has added Basingstoke and North Hampshire NHS to its list of NHS clients.
Print Direction to source a printer for The Bench Mark
Print Direction, the print management company, has been chosen by London Legal Club to source a printer for The Bench Mark, a new magazine from the legal publisher.