
Benson Group makes senior creative appointment

Benson Group has appointed Sam Clough to the new position of creative design studio manager.

60-seconds with Dawkins Colour

London-based Dawkins Colour was formed 23 years ago when Ian Dawkins of IC Dawkins Typesetters and John Bodkin of Precise Litho & Scanning amalgamated their respective businesses.

Q&A: Adam Kill, account executive, Print 4, Nottingham

Adam has spent 17 years in print and has been with his partner Karen for a year longer than that, and they have three boys.

Overmatter: wild wayzgoose

Being dropped in the middle of the Lake District to compete in a bout of archery, axe-throwing and catapult-building might sound like a medieval re-enactment society’s special Olympics, but it was...

Business inspection: Adapting to touchy-feely demands

Adding B2C to existing B2B services boosted revenue, but was not without its challenges.

Killer app: YPP steps up capacity for Race for Life challenge

Running – a tough mistress if you’ve nobody shouting encouragement from the sidelines. No wonder then that around 500,000 women will, over the next five months, be donning their trainers to run for a...

No print firm is too illustrious to fail

There’s no doubt that for the 100 staff at Butler Tanner & Dennis, the news that its book printing business is set to close will have come as a devastating blow.

Book closes on B&T story as firm heads for administration

Looking back at the 169 year history of Butler Tanner & Dennis is like leafing through a ‘Who’s Who’ of publishing and printing. Little wonder that B&T also printed the illustrious tome itself.

Tangent group sales and profits up despite drop in Goodprint conversion rate

Tangent Communications has posted impressive hikes in sales and profits in its year end results, published this morning (19 May).

GI Solutions reveals £2m CMC investment

GI Solutions has revealed that the March launch of its digital envelope mailpack product was enabled by a £2m investment in a pair of JWR 30K paper wrappers from CMC Machinery.