
Overmatter: Presstival
Overmatter yearns for a holiday. Fortunately, a printing Wayzgoose is inked in Overmatter’s diary for a few weeks hence.

Overmatter: on your bike
Overmatter is delighted to report that a print project with a difference has smashed its Kickstarter funding target.

Killer app: Dekkle helps highlight plight of endangered apes
Did you know there were only 880 mountain gorillas left in the world? Probably not. This was a shocking figure brought home all the more powerfully by the latest ‘Project Hangup’ exhibition, entitled...

Vintage Heidelberg prints Glastonbury newspaper
A 1957 Heidelberg OHZ-S cylinder letterpress is being used to print Glastonbury festival’s free newspaper, The Glastonbury Free Press, for the second year running.

Generation Press prints Three ad campaign letterpress cards
Brighton-based Generation Press has been revealed as the printer behind business cards featured in Three’s latest ad campaign.

‘I’d rather have been flying jet bombers’
Gary Arber isn’t what you would probably describe as our typical interview subject. He hasn’t bought a new press since the 1950s and you would probably struggle to get him to admit he’s passionate...

Historic 'time capsule' print works set to close
A historic London letterpress printer and stationer that has been likened to a time capsule will close in May after 117 years trading.

Overmatter: letterpress with edge
Overmatter just loves a freebie. Especially when it’s in the shape of a beautifully put together book on letterpress print.

Letterpress tome celebrates 'vibrant future' of once-endangered print medium
Brandon Mise, owner and operator of the Wilmington, NC-based greetings card company Blue Barnhouse, is the author of the latest book to celebrate the global resurgence in letterpress printing.
Value in print's past
Jo Francis is all agog over Antiques Roadshow