
Star product: Creative Edge IC3D Suite

An all-in-one 3D visualisation tool for packaging producers.

Overmatter: letterpress with edge

Overmatter just loves a freebie. Especially when it’s in the shape of a beautifully put together book on letterpress print.

60-seconds with Kingfisher Print & Design

Established in 1982 by Derek Bellotti, Kingfisher is a family-run litho and digital print firm, now headed by Derek’s son Ross who says he strives to keep print relevant in a digital age.

Q&A: John Fry, production director, B&D Print Services

Leaving school 37 years ago at the tender age of 15, John Fry joined Graphic House in Preston as an apprentice printer.

Concerns grow over apprenticeships

On the government’s ongoing plans to reform apprenticeships, training guru Jonathan Ledger has cautionary words for printers toying with training: “Be careful what you wish for.”

Improving outlook tempts printers to re-equip and diversify

Positivity is in the air. Unemployment is at a four-year low, the economy is beginning to gain traction (the Office for Budget Responsibility expects economic growth to reach 2.4% this year) and with...

‘I’m never complacent – I always want to do more’

Eclipse Colour managing director Simon Moore is probably in a better position than most to share some key lessons in how to turn a business around. Over the past 15 years, he has converted the £4.5m...

Coatings build up a resistance in fight against infection

Feeling a bit peaky? You’re not alone. Post Christmas partying and indulgence, the nation’s immune system is collectively down, meaning winter flu, cold and stomach bugs are hard to avoid.

Domino launches 950BK mineral oil-free black ink

Domino Printing Sciences has launched a 100% mineral oil-free black ink for use with its C6000 drop-on-demand outer case coding printer for food packaging applications.

Fujifilm to make Packaging Innovations debut

Fujifilm has announced it will exhibit at Packaging Innovations this year for the first time.