
KM: Tatsuno toner shipments are scheduled to begin on 20 November

Konica Minolta updates on toner availability

Konica Minolta has warned that graphic arts toner production will not resume until November as it attempts to source alternative supply to keep customers presses running.

Pergraphica is optimised for both offset and digital printing

Antalis and Mondi in new CO2 neutral range distribution agreement

Antalis has reached a sole distributor agreement in the UK and Ireland with Mondi for its new CO2 neutral design paper range.

The Tatsuno Factory was opened in 2007. Image: Google Maps

Konica Minolta explosion impacts toner supply

An explosion at a Japanese Konica Minolta toner factory last month has resulted in an impending likely shortage of toner supply.

Large: "We recognised early on that we needed to be an essential industry"

CPI report finds paper industry fundamental to society though pandemic

The Confederation of Paper Industries' (CPI) third Economic Value Report (EVR) highlights the vital role played by the industry during 2020 and stresses the need to focus on growth and sustainability.

Inks for commercial printing, publication printing and packaging will go up

SunChem: 'unprecedented' situation means more price rises

Sun Chemical, the world’s largest ink maker, will put up prices again next month due to ongoing raw material shortages and “further significant inflationary pressures” affecting its costs.

Cyclus Offset is made from post-consumer waste

Antalis relaunches Cyclus Offset

Antalis has exclusively relaunched the 100% recycled natural white uncoated paper range Cyclus Offset.

Hubergroup: prices need to reflect significantly increased procurement costs

Hubergroup announces global price rise

Hubergroup has announced a worldwide price increase on its products citing a “massive rise” in raw material and transport costs.

Ipagsa will be wound down over next six months

Agfa's offset wing back in the black, Ipagsa to shut

Agfa’s Offset Solutions business is back in the black in Q2, with sales up 20% and a near-€11m (£9.4m) improvement in EBITDA compared to last year – but a fresh restructure will involve the closure of...

Price rises for sheetfed, heatset and coldset web blankets

Day International: prices have to go up

Printing blankets are the latest industry consumable going up in price due to soaring input costs and the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

RAFNXT+ is classified as FSC Mixed Credit

Antalis launches first Carbon Trust verified label material

A self-adhesive range of sheets from UPM Raflatac that is the world’s first label material to be verified by the Carbon Trust has been launched exclusively in the UK by Antalis.