Steven Kiernan

Heidelberg announces litho and digital Drupa launches
Heidelberg will show a new range of Speedmaster presses and a new brand of digital machines across the biggest stand at Drupa 2012.
Konica focused on digi colour
Konica Minolta has used Ipex as its springboard into the production digital colour market, led by its 80ppm Bizhub Press C8000.

Printing by the book is a one-off approach
Lightning Source has turned the threat of technology to its advantage and raced ahead from a standing start to take a lead in the on-demand market, one book at a time

Design of the times
Printers are bringing design services in-house to drive production through the press halls, with the advantage to customers that their creative work is underpinned by production, craft and cost

Fujitsu colour e-book reader gets mixed reaction
The march of the e-book stumbled forward last week when Japanese electronics company Fujitsu unveiled the world's first colour reader device, to mixed responses.

H Bauer toasts soft-proofing breakthrough with mag launch
H Bauer is celebrating a shift to soft proofing after using recently installed ICS Remote Director for the production of new cookery magazine <i>Eat In</i>.

JCDecaux gears up for Olympics boom with new London division
JCDecaux will continue to "change the landscape in print" after capping 10 years of investment in the capital by launching a new division, JCDecaux London.

Print managers will benefit from recession, sector leaders claim
The recession is pushing more print buying work into the hands of print managers, with the heaviest focus on cost reduction rather than other added-value services, according to sector leaders.

Hobbs backs Heidelberg's revamped service offering
Hobbs the Printers has given its seal of approval to Heidelberg's renewed focus on service by returning to the manufacturer for maintenance following a 20-year break.

Baird Group exits print with sale of Thanet Press
The Baird Group, headed up by former BPIF president Roy Bailie, has ended its interests in the printing industry following the sale of Thanet Press.