Direct mail

Eclipse inherits GI PageWide high-speed inkjet
Eclipse 4DM has installed an HP PageWide T230 Web Press at its Kettering site, transferred from its sister operation GI Solutions.

Real Digital takes next step in its evolution
Real Digital International has continued its 2017 re-equip with a brace of HP Indigo 12000s as it looks to target growth in new markets.

SMP eyes expansion to 'every mail house' in 2018
The Strategic Mailing Partnership (SMP) is looking forward to a year of expansion with its sights on taking in “every single mailing house” in the country.

Hill takes up new role at Lettershop
Former MarketReach media specialist Lance Hill has joined The Lettershop Group (TLG) as the firm’s new sales director.

DMP dodges major press spend by refurbishing secondhand Manroland
Print and direct mail specialist DMP has used parts from its ageing B2 Manroland R300 press to upcycle an identical secondhand machine that it acquired from France.

Paragon CC gains 'ultimate' security standard
Paragon Customer Communications has achieved the ultra-strict Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) at its Bristol and Dagenham sites.

Communisis capitalises on mission-critical mail
Communisis has confirmed that it has won the HSBC marcomms work previously handled by St Ives, alongside interim results where print margins have increased to double-digits.

First 4 Direct Mail takes Riso cut-sheet
Direct mail house First 4 Direct Mail (F4DM) has become one of the first UK companies to take the Riso ComColor GD9630 cut-sheet printer.

Howard Hunt first in UK for new friction feeder
Direct mail service provider Howard Hunt has become the first company in the UK to take the new Pegasus 320 friction feeder.

Former Anton bosses charged with tax fraud
Five former Anton Group directors have been charged with Cheating the Public Revenue.

Gecko boosting productivity with Indigos
Direct marketing specialist Gecko Direct has seen a widescale boost in production since installing its third Indigo after breaking an EMEA productivity record.

CMS invests further in record year
Central Mailing Services (CMS) has continued its year of heavy investment with a £65,000 spend on a Norpak polyprocessor and a Morgana Major folder.