
TNT Post launches Easy Response Card

TNT Post is looking to make the SAE a thing of the past with the launch of a simple Easy Response Card.

Monotype acquires Bitstream's font business in $50m all cash deal

Monotype Imaging Holdings is set to acquire the font business of rival Bitstream in a $50m (32m) all cash deal that will leave Bitstream to focus on its Pageflex print automation tool and other...

Good Food magazine offers cover choices for Christmas

The BBC Good Food magazine is publishing its December issue with a choice of covers for the first time to add newsstand "standout".

Creative FX wraps car for Channel 5 programme Fifth Gear

Creative FX, the vehicle wrapping specialist, saw its work showcased on Channel 5 series <i>Fifth Gear</i> on Friday after it wrapped a 1994 Rover Metro Tahiti in chrome and carbon vinyl for the...

Chili targets print and PM with online document creation tool

A new online document creation tool aimed at printers and print buyers has been launched by Flo Suite creator and DMP co-founder Joeri Paeleman.

Pirelli picks Beacon Press for 2009 calendar

Pirelli has partnered with Beacon Press to print the 36th edition of its famed photographic calendar.