


11607 results found

Moody Minuteman

Q&A: Monica Moody, sales manager, Minuteman Press Coventry

Monica says that she thinks being Italian helps with sales: “If you can understand my accent, but I have improved it since marrying an Englishman and living in this country since 1995.


Thinking outside the box can move your business growth up a gear

Growth aspirations are now back on the agenda for many printers, but lateral thinking may be required to succeed.

Jack Pearson Bluetree Group

Rising star: Jack Pearson, sustainability manager, Bluetree Group

Jack is 30 and has been working at Bluetree Group since 2021.

Euro Pic1

Euro stars: Continental drift

Brexit may have disappeared from the news headlines in recent months but that doesn’t negate the fact that it’s meant firms have had to adapt to continue to trade in what is a huge market on our...

Soc Media

Navigating the social media landscape

The perfect tool to push the boundaries of freedom of speech or the devil’s own work.

BI Telescope

Business inspection: Combining two teams for premium performance 

Perhaps it’s Carl Garnett’s successful side-line in motor racing that fuels his inability to sit still for long. 

Installed Lamps On Mark Andy Press

Best of British: The genies of the lamp

Just as the UK has a cluster of inkjet developers which one way or another can trace their origins back to Cambridge University colleges, it also has a crop of innovative UV curing lamp makers whose...

Actega Ecoleafabg L1037216 PQ

Labelexpo Europe 2023: More than just labelling

Labelexpo Europe made a welcome return in Brussels in September, after the lockdown hiatus, with manufacturers taking a broader focus than purely labels.

Mm Apprintable

Me & My: Morgana BM4050 bookletmaker with dual-bin feeder

In 2015, Peter Haddad started a print business called Apprintable from his garage.

Antigro 2

Star product: Antigro Designer

This is an online print personalisation service, aimed at the B2C market that enables customers to upload, edit and integrate their designs into a huge variety of printed products, such as giftware...