Horizon CABS 4000

Khromatec managing director Anthony Boyes is delighted with the sliding caliper, weight checker and signature recognition cameras on his binder

What is it?
It’s a computer-aided binding system (CABS).

What are its main benefits for your business?
The machine increases our productivity and gives our customers peace of mind, thanks to the weight-checking and signature-recognition camera features. They ensure that all folded sections are placed into the gatherer correctly and not in the wrong place or upside down.

Why did you choose this particular machine?
We decided the CABS 4000 would boost our bindery, giving an increased capacity of at least 25,000-30,000 books on a single shift. It also provides us with the latest technology, speed of set-up and ease of use, coupled with our confidence in the reliability and workmanship of Horizon, and exceptional value for money compared to its rivals.

Did you look at any other similar machines?
We were interested in the Wohlenberg City 4000E and the Muller Martini Pantera. Both were in a similar initial price range. However, the package that Graphic Arts Equipment (GAE) were able to put together, with the added technology on the Horizon system, made it an easy decision.

Why did you make the purchase?
In 2006, we ran with three different binding lines. The main two were a Wohlenberg Golf 18 and a Muller Martini Panda Binder. We decided to replace the Wohlenberg line, due to its age and reliability issues. A number of our customers had been asking for much quicker turnaround times, which neither of the main binders could achieve comfortably.

What features do you particularly like?
The weight-checker, the gatherers, the signature-recognition cameras and the simplicity of the trimmer set-up are great. The binder’s set-up caliper is also very useful. Rather than punching numbers into a control panel, to set up the book block sizes, you have a sliding caliper, which makes life so much easier.

Is there anything that you dislike?
The only thing we had a slight problem with was that the tubing taking away the dust kept splitting. But a few hundred pounds bought us a more robust heavy-duty tubing.

How fast is it?
4,000 books per hour.

What’s the quality like?
Superb. The bind is nice and square, the scoring system ensures true hinge and spine scores, along with the side gluing and main gluing being very accurate. You are able to adjust most specifications on each job, while the binder remains in production, within a fraction of a millimetre.

How easy is it to use?
Very. Our experienced binder operators needed only a few weeks to completely get to grips with all the finer points.

How much time or money has it saved?
Time-wise it has saved hours and hours. Productivity has increase by around 35% since October 2006.

Has it won you any new work?
Yes, we have been able to secure new customers that demand very rapid turnaround times and cost-effective binding.

Were there any difficulties during the installation?
No. The engineers were very organised. It was unloaded and installed within a two-week period.

What about the pre- and after-sale service?
As far as any problems are concerned, the sales rep helps when I do have any and the service department responds very quickly. Engineers try to rectify problems over the phone if they can or they come out within a day’s notice. Considering I am the only one in the UK to have this binder, GAE backup service is exceptional.

Who do you think the machine is right for?
Any print finishing house with a yearly book production above 2m.

User’s verdict
Speed 4/5
Quality 5/5
Reliability 5/5
Service 5/5

Supplier’s response
Graphic Arts Equipment (GAE) joint managing director Bryan Godwyn says: “The key benefits of the Horizon system – the quality of the finished product, ease and speed of makeready and the integrity assurance systems – reflect the changing nature of the softback book market. We may be losing the very long runs to lower cost-base economies, but the UK publishing sector now favours smaller initial print runs and more frequent reprints. Perfect binding is being adopted for shorter-run applications that might have previously been uneconomical. In these circumstances, the requirement is for reduced waste, operator flexibility, shorter lead times and the capability to produce more jobs per shift and this is what the Horizon Computer Aided Binding System (CABS) delivers – all within the context of future-proofed JDF compatibility.”
Price Approx £325,000 with integrated gatherer and three-knife trimmer
Contact Graphic Arts Equipment 020 8997 8053
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