ITC shows new cutting tools

Industrial Tooling Corporation (ITC) took its latest range of cutting tools to Fespa Digital, including a larger router and its biggest range of balanced tools yet.

The Tamworth-based manufacturer specialises in the production of solid carbide precision cutting tools for routing machines and cutting tables. 

ITC has extended its range of balanced cutting tools for high-speed spindles across its entire single flute tooling line range.

“If the tool is not balanced and it’s spinning at 30,000rpm, as it spins it runs very slightly eccentrically. This can create vibration on the piece being cut. Our balanced tools mitigate that to produce a better finished result,” explained technical sales manager Sally Hunt.

“The faster and bigger the tool, the more important it is.”

ITC’s Clearcut routing tool range has also been expanded with the maximum diameter increased from 6mm to 8mm.

“If you don’t use a balanced tool when that’s what the cutting table manufacturer recommends, you can damage the spindle and invalidate your warranty,” she warned. “Our main USP is that we offer full technical support at no extra cost to our customers.”

Single flute tools used for cutting acrylic, Foamex and ACM (Dibond) are the firm’s biggest seller. Its best-selling range of router tools cost between £15-£25.

Swiss firm Easy2Trade is ITC’s partner for knife blades.

“Pretty much whatever people want to cut, we have a router or knife blade for it,” Hunt added.

The firm has also added to its range of tools for CNC cutting tables with additional cutting geometries designed for the efficient cutting of vinyl materials.

ITC also offers customers a cost-effective re-sharpening and re-grinding service. If a user is cutting mainly thin materials they are only wearing the bottom part of a tool, which can then be refurbished by ITC. “It only costs a small amount to chop and re-end cut the tool. We are a manufacturer, and we want to keep the business, and for people to feel they have got good value for money from our products,” Hunt said.

ITC said the service had proved extremely popular among customers, due to the cost benefits of re-sharpening as opposed to buying new tools.