The company will replace its eight-year-old Polar with its third cutting machine – a Polar 115N Plus, which has an 18.5 inch graphic user interface.
ABS managing director, Andy Crane said the company was able to buy the guillotine at a discount because a previous deal had fallen through.
He said: "The list price was £63,000 but they gave it to us for £45,000 because they had previously sold it to a firm in St Albans."
And Crane said the company will benefit by being able to sell the guillotine for more in the future.
Although the guillotine is slightly faster, Crane said the main benefit is that it is more reliable.
He said: "Printers are like cars. Every so often you’ve got to upgrade them or they’ll break down."
ABS Print Finishers employs a staff of six and has a turnover of approximately £500,000 a year.
It sold the previous guillotine to second-hand dealer B&G Consultancy. The company plans to buy a new folder but Crane said they wouldn’t buy any new equipment in the near future because they are currently paying off an MBO folder, as well as the new guillotine.
ABS Print Finishers offers a cut-fold-stitch service including loop stitching and short run work with multi-coloured wires.
ABS Print Finishers upgrades to third Polar guillotine

ABS Print Finishers in Peckham, South East London has bought a new Polar guillotine and is expecting delivery from Heidelberg on 8 October.