Is online marketing reducing direct mail printing?

Up to 83% of large UK businesses are producing online only versions of their marketing material, according to financial advisor Grant Thorntons research. Is this trend affecting printers?

During the recent past, the use of e-marketing has continued to creep up. As volumes continue to rise, so has the proportion of non-printed materials. Already suffering from massive over-capacity and very low margins, a shift in behaviour could seriously affect the industry. With over a third of large UK businesses planning to cut external print spend by an average of 30% during 2007, and almost a quarter unsure about it, the UK print industry will be in for a rocky ride over the next 24 months.
Daniel Smith
Print expert
Grant Thornton

Tangent is positioning itself across a range of media. During the next five years it is going to be important to recognise both online and print communications. There are many exciting applications that exist today in both areas. This is being proved by companies such as Sainsbury’s and Carphone Warehouse through their innovative marketing campaigns. It is important to offer both forms of marketing to clients.
Nicholas Green
Joint chief executive
Tangent Communications

I would dispute these figures and would instead argue that what is important is a combination of online and offline marketing. We have not experienced a decline in our direct mail volumes. Digital print has enabled us to talk directly to customers and I think the volumes of one-to-one variable print are actually on the up. Online marketing complements offline. What we do is enhanced by cross media. Print will never suffer at the hands of online communications. Litho in time will suffer at the hands of digital but printed marketing will continue to survive.
Noel Warner
Managing director
Inc Direct

A lot more businesses are now going online with their marketing material; it’s a sizable move and it is affecting the print industry. We have seen several of our large customers doing it. Printers have to work harder to come up with innovative solutions like digital print and online marketing campaigns.
It is important to try and stimulate customers using different approaches. The internet offers a cheaper solution for businesses. Printers need to take this into account and be a bit smarter
by offering customers follow up solutions to their initial online campaigns.
Darren Crawford
Managing director
Addition 4DM