Does PAS 2020 go far enough in giving DM a makeover?

The direct mail industry's unique environmental standard launched in January. Will it be enough to shake the sector's negative 'junk mail' image or could more be done to improve DM's environmental credentials?

Nigel Harper, managing director, Bespoke Envelopes Direct
MAYBE... The DM market has been under question for some time now, both for the perception of it being responsible for unwanted ‘junk mail' and also in light of the debate regarding the environmental impact of these activities. It is too early to say whether PAS 2020 will be enough to address this issue, but with further education and understanding within the market, there is no reason why our goals will not be achieved. Indeed, when you consider the key deliverables of this accreditation, they certainly cover all environmental aspects.

Andy Haliwell, general manager, The Leaflet Company
YES... It's a slightly cheeky question, as I don't believe the primary objective of PAS 2020 is to provide the industry with a makeover - it's more to do with practicality, rather than cosmetics. The industry has been self regulating for some time, from employing more sophisticated targeting tech-niques to sourcing material that originates from a sustainable source and encouraging recycling. PAS 2020 offers a practical guide for a business to benchmark its current environmental performance.
Nick Dixon, chief executive, Lateral Group
NO... Perhaps one of the greatest advancements to make direct marketing and documentation more environmentally friendly is to look at the information actually being sent to the individual. Profiling consumers and including only the content relevant to an individual can considerably reduce the physical quantity of material distributed. Less material is used and there's an additional benefit that fewer CO2 emissions are generated during producing and distributing these items to the consumer.

Andy Young, group managing director, Dsicmm
MAYBE... PAS 2020 will not have a marked change on consumers' perceptions of DM. What will assist are some of the small changes that direct marketers implement through PAS 2020, such as using the ‘Recycle Now' logo and the use of FSC, PEFC or recycled paper. In terms of CSR best practice, a company's brand is extremely important and companies now need to demonstrate they are acting in a responsible manner. The PAS 2020 standard allows companies to show they are following environmental best practice.