WWF urges APP buyer action

The dispute between Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) and WWF has taken another twist with WWF urging paper buyers to review their dealings with the Indonesian giant.


WWF Indonesia species programme director Nazir Foead has written an open letter to the major global paper buyers, calling on them to "review their relationship with APP".


Foead said APP's business practices had greatly damaged the reputation of the whole Indonesian forest industry.


"We are not alone in our frustrations," he said, adding that government of Riau province was preparing to sue four companies associated with APP for clearing their concessions by burning.


The clash began when WWF withdrew its support for APP's Sustainability Action Plan earlier this year (PrintWeek, 26 February).


A letter issued by APP deputy chief executive Michael Black has renewed the company's commitment to the plan.


"We are committed to continuing to work with all stakeholders concerned about Sumatra's critical habitats, including WWF," said Black.


Black said WWF's pursuit of its worthy conservation agenda had affected its professional judgement of the evidence contained in its reports.