Webcast debut for printweek.com looks at Web-to-print

Next Monday will see the launch of printweek.com's first webcast. The live debate, broadcast over the web will focus on web-to-print and give a practical slant to what the technology can mean to printers from those who already rely on it in their business.

Web-to-print: Success in practice boasts a distinguished panel of speakers to explain how to best use the technologies out there to the greatest effect, and avoid costly mistakes.

Web-to-print consultancy W2P's managing director Peter Lancaster said that "if there's one thing I want to get across, it's don't go into Web-to-print just to print business cards... it's not about technology, it's the business model."

Other panellists involved in the webcast agree that Web-to-print needs a careful evaluation.

"You have to look at what constitutes a benefit - it might be that it's a more efficient way of buying", but not necessarily resulting in more work being printed, said Jason Walker, managing director of everydayprint.

Robert Stabler, who leads HP's Indigo division in the UK and Ireland said that a key benefit to any printer implementing Web-to-print is the ability to become "embedded in their customers' processes".

Buckingham ColourQuest (BCQ) joint managing director Richard Knowles agreed.

He said that rather than focus on gaining new customers, his Web-to-print services are almost exclusively aimed at existing clients, with customers saving "significant bundles of cash", not only in print requirements.

He said the overheads of setting up systems for each client are repaid by being able to effectively lock in customers who may think twice about having to go through the same set up process in order to move their work.

To find out more about Web-to-print from a panel that has already made it a compelling part of their businesses, register now for the free webcast Web-to-print: Success in practice.

Listen in and put your questions to the panel at 3pm, Monday 15 December.
