ViP lobby reports to trade secretary

Vision in Print chief executive Richard Gray has reported a positive meeting with secretary of state for trade and industry Patricia Hewitt.

At the meeting Gray updated Hewitt on the progress made since the print industry forum was set up six months ago, and also took the opportunity to lobby for print sectoral support.

We wanted to demonstrate how the industry had come on and that we were now acting together to move it forward, said Gray.

He was joined by ViP chairman Andrew Pindar, GPMU general secretary Tony Dubbins, Polestar chief executive Barry Hibbert and Direct Image Systems and Communications chief executive John Pulford.

The group also suggested ways in which ViP could support the DTIs Manufacturing Advisory Service. They then went on to update Hewitt on their developments, including how the organisation was now actively training its engineers.

It has had strong demand for services that have been specially adapted for the industry to create programmes that companies can understand and support, added Gray.

He also told Hewitt how the industry forum had launched a print module for the benchmarking index, was conducting an international productivity study of the industry and had launched a website.

She [Hewitt] was very supportive and a number of dialogues will now ensue to ensure projects continue, added Gray.

We were specifically urging her to consider a sector productivity agreement to match the sector skills agreement, as well as access to best practice, he said.

Story by Rachel Barnes