Vinyl kiss cuts and cellophane wrap

Joanne Gardner tracks down the solutions to your print problems

We need to find a firm that can cellophane wrap boxes, like cigarette packets.
Tony Robinson

Marden Edwards manufactures machines that do just this job. UK firms that have one include Jonarve (01352 730 026, Speedpac (01604 746 999 and Wisden & Franklin (01604 665760 or email It’s vital you quote the size of the boxes, as the overwrapper has attachable parts for various sizes, and most sup-pliers would only have the more common ones.

I am trying to source a company that can kiss cut vinyl sheets (not reels) using etched dies. The cuts on the imagery require absolute precision, and in some places the cuts are only 0.5mm apart, causing great difficulty with conventional ruled dies. Any help will be gratefully received.
Ben Davies

To kiss cut any material with such a tiny distance between cuts will probably require the accuracy of a laser cutter. David Morris, managing director of Kocher Beck, which manufactures cutting tools and machinery, says most traditional cutters use similar etching processes and can usually only go down to 1mm for labels (on a reel), and 1.6mm for sheetfed. UK Point of Sale (, 0161 431 4400) has a laser cutter, the Eurolaser XL 1600, and says it should be able to do the job, but has asked that you email with the details, such as the thickness of the vinyl sheets.

We’re looking for a company that can print reels of supplied kraft in four spot colours on one side only. The stock is then to be sheeted to around 5,000 sheets of 1,150x910mm.
Guy Liesching
West Country Paper

The fact that it’s already rolled might go against you as most printers would be better equipped to print after it’s been converted. Graham from screen printer Sovereign in Abercarn (01495 248 300) says his firm would be happy to discuss doing it that way, although he is a little concerned with the large size of the sheets. BSP Labels (01763 263 388) also thinks it may be able to do the job, depending on how close to the edge the print reaches. Email