The Print Library eyes higher quality print with pre-press upgrade

The Print Library has set its sights on improving the standard of print from its Speedmaster pair by adopting Hybrid Screening into its pre-press workflow.

The Belfast-based printer has upgraded its MetaDimension pre-press software, which it runs with its two Speedmasters, an SM74-5 and a SM52-4+L, ahead of a move to a larger nearby premises.

The printer is now able to produce all jobs at a screening value of 250lpi as opposed to the standard 175lpi.

The Hybrid screening method uses AM (amplitude-modulated) screening but alters the dot size in order to give finer reproduction detail and stronger tonal values.

The Print Library joint managing director Geoff Truesdale said the firm wanted to "raise the bar on quality" with both firm and customers alike, impressed with the improved print.

He said: "The results are brilliant and we aim to improve upon the high standard of print quality we have attained".