Thames McGurk alpha tests Esko's DeskPack tool

Thames McGurk, the London-based packaging design and artwork agency, is the first UK company to alpha test Esko-Graphics desktop packaging production tool, DeskPack.

According to Thames McGurk director Paul Fraine, it is the ideal tool for design agencies that want easy entry into repro.

"We wanted to introduce a repro service as quickly as possible, which put pressure on ourselves and Esko-Graphics. But it was a great opportunity as we were able to test the product on live jobs," said Fraine.

DeskPack extends Adobe Illustrators capabilities with a series of plug-ins including trapX interactive trapping tool, which uses the Color Stitch trapping engine on the DeskPack server.

"Companies can use well-proven desktop software without investing in expensive hardware, software and training," said Fraine.

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