"Rapid-A-More offers high contrast and fresh prints and thanks to its superfast hi-gloss drying properties, it enables immediate turning and post-print finishing," said a spokeswoman.
It follows Sun Chemical's launch of Liberty, a VOC-free ink that does not dry on press and is ready for finishing within minutes of printing.
"Ours throws emphasis on fast drying and high gloss; theirs has super-fast drying, but is formulated differently," said the spokeswoman.
Stehlin Hostag is also launching its latest innovation for food packaging that meets the latest EU directives.
MGA was the world's first low-migration ink system for producing food-friendly food packaging, and was non-toxic and non-hazardous, it said.
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"Utilities, paper and ink but probably not transport, couriers, finisher’s for example"
"Bound to be, most likely those not key suppliers along with HMRC"
"And now watch for those reversion charges to come in thick and fast, for the slightest deviation from the mailing specification 😉😂"
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