St Bride's homes in on funding landmark

St Brides, the printers church, is hoping the industry will help it raise the final 200,000 needed to reach its 2004 re-endowment appeal target of 3.5m.

The historic church on London's Fleet Street will use the appeal money in two ways: income from the fund will secure the existence of its renowned professional choir and maintain the fabric of the Grade 1 listed building; and the fund will also provide the necessary capital to install 200 extra seats that are sympathetic to the Wren-inspired internal design.


St Bride's rector, canon David Meara, said the appeal had received very good support from the newspaper industry and from the businesses now located on Fleet Street, but that contributions from the print sector itself had been disappointing by comparison: "We're on the home straight and it won't take much to close the gap. It would be nice to say we've had support from the printing industry."


Major contributors will also be entitled to have a commemorative inscription on the new seating in the north and south aisles of the church, to be hand painted by calligrapher and sign-writer Philip Surey.


A celebratory concert to mark the conclusion of the appeal is also being planned for later this year.


For more information see or e-mail


Story by Jo Francis