Spandex unifies group under single brand

The new logo came into effect on 2 May
The new logo came into effect on 2 May

Spandex has introduced a new logo to reflect the evolution of the business while also unifying its brand across all group companies in Europe and Australia.

The wide-format kit and consumables reseller said the new logo, which came into effect as of Monday (2 May), features partially open concentric circles, a reference to the rolls of self-adhesive vinyl that form part of its portfolio, “while also conveying the company’s evolving offering and expertise, global reach and expansion into new applications and markets”.

It said the circles also denote Spandex’s aspirations towards a circular economy “and to create a positive 'ripple effect' in the visual communications sector by helping customers to unlock new commercial opportunities”.

Spandex CEO Andrew Coulsen said: “Spandex today serves 40,000 customers in 20 countries with more than 35,000 products. Looking to the future, we want our brand to clearly communicate all the attributes of our business, and our mission to help customers push their creative boundaries, supported by performance products, specialist knowledge and real-world application expertise.”

The company’s new strapline, ‘Inspiring Creativity’, is said to celebrate Spandex’s diverse customer community, including signmakers, graphics producers, wrappers, visual communicators, printers, installers, interior designers, and architects.

The new brand identity will be extended to all Spandex distribution companies in Europe and Australia and will become visible across all Spandex customer-facing communications over the course of 2022. The branding of Spandex Group businesses in North America will be reviewed at a later date.

“Over the last decade, the Spandex Group has acquired many independent companies worldwide, and we continue to look actively for acquisition opportunities in all regions,” said Coulsen.

“The integration of these businesses has added layers of specialist expertise, particularly in rigid media, textiles and architectural products, while expanding our range, distribution infrastructure, geographical reach and customer base.

“Many of these businesses have continued until now to trade under their original name, which preserved existing loyalty and brand awareness, while still helping their customers benefit from access to a larger international operation. That focus on the customer doesn't change, but now everyone will know us by the name Spandex.”

Additionally, Spandex has enhanced its website to speed up and improve the overall user experience, with a new web-based app also now making it easy to browse and order products on the move.