Sherwood charity cards go CTP

Sherwood Press Group has produced a set of charity Christmas cards for the Nottingham Print Week event using its new CreoScitex platesetter

Sherwood Press Group has produced a set of charity Christmas cards for the Nottingham Print Week event using its new CreoScitex platesetter.

Eight designs were selected from over 800 pictures submitted by local schoolchildren.

Half of the proceeds will be donated to the BBC's Children in Need, with the other half split between local schools and Nottingham Print Week.

Paper was donated by Stora Enso, UV varnish by Celloglas and bags and packaging were donated by KL Plastics and Hallam Print Finishing. Sherwood hopes to raise 10,000.

The firm's pre-press division, Gordon Graphics, invested 350,000 in a Lotem 800V, Iris 43Wide imposition proofer and Server 3000, which were installed last month.

"We were delighted that we had finished our CTP trials in time to use the Lotem for this job," said Sherwood Press Group managing director Jeremy Bacon. "We wanted to do justice to all the wonderful designs."

Gordon Graphics is supplying B2 plates to sister operation Milford Printers as well as B1 plates for Sherwood. Some 60% of work is CTP, and this is expected to rise to 90% in the new year.

Story by Barney Cox