Joined group in 1996

Saica Group takes on first female president

Alejandro: "Succession in presidency does not necessarily imply a change in strategy"
Alejandro: "Succession in presidency does not necessarily imply a change in strategy"

Susana Alejandro has assumed the presidency of Saica Group, succeeding Ramón Alejandro who led the company for 14 years, and becoming the first woman to hold the top position.

Starting in the role yesterday (1 July), Alejandro represents the third generation of the founding families.

She commented: “I am proud to become the visible head of Saica and its great team, and I am well aware of what it implies.”

On her first day in charge of the company, after expressing a “deep and heartfelt gratitude” to her predecessor, Alejandro sent a message to all stakeholder groups: “As [a] family business, we have a clear long-term vision and, therefore, succession in presidency does not necessarily imply a change in strategy.

“Our course variations are dictated only by the requirements of our customers and market fluctuations.”

She said the company’s roadmap was clearly defined in its strategic plan ‘Saica 2025’, which she said was “designed to respond to the challenges we have to face both as a society and as a company”.

Alejandro also outlined the need to address “climatic change, which forces us to reformulate our production and consumption models while advancing our commitment to a circular economy”.

Additionally, she highlighted the need of “developing innovative tools that will let us strengthen our main strategic objectives that are valid today as they were yesterday”.

Alejandro said the company had investment plans for its plants and also mentioned the need to “take care of our teams, and rethink new ways to retain and attract the next generation of talent”.

She first joined Saica Group in 1996 after graduating in Business Administration at Zaragoza University and having received complementary training in taxation, sales, strategic planning, and boards of directors.

After some time at the Mars Group, she gained experience at the financial area of Saica, and then moved to the Corrugated Cardboard business area, taking on the general management of Iberia operations and subsequently the general management of the business area. Since 2013, she has held the position of director of strategy and corporate development.

Saica Group has an annual production capacity of 3.3 million tonnes of recycled paper for corrugated board.

With more than 10,000 staff and a presence in the UK, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Turkey, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the US and Poland, Saica Group’s turnover for 2023 was €3.6bn (£3.05bn).