Reproscan installs Agfa CTP

Reproscan Digital Imaging is installing an Agfa Galileo thermal CTP system, the first in an independent Scottish trade house, as it moves into phase two of its investment plan

Reproscan Digital Imaging is installing an Agfa Galileo thermal CTP system, the first in an independent Scottish trade house, as it moves into phase two of its investment plan.

The Glasgow-based company has invested 475,000 in Agfa systems. Its latest spend also includes an Agfa Apogee PDF-based workflow, Printdrive software, and Sherpa digital proofing.

"The new CTP system is being installed at the moment, but we will retain the computer-to-film facility for those customers that require it," said technical and IT development director Alan Sellers. The company already uses Agfa Avantra 44 and 30 imagesetters.

The firm said the digital workflow and CTP installations would not only enhance its competitive edge, but also add to its total facilities management service.

Reproscan has also just moved into a new purpose-designed location, only 50 yards from its previous home, to house the Galileo.

The specialist pre-press company produces work for local printers, but a high percentage of its volume is label work for the food and drink industry.