Printers escape Trinity North East redundancies

Printers appear to have escaped the latest cull at publisher Trinity Mirror, avoiding the 66 job losses in the North East that were announced yesterday.

The national and regional newspaper publisher is planning to close several titles in Newcastle and Middlesbrough.

The South Tyne Chronicle Extra and the North Tyneside Chronicle Extra, alongside lifestyle titles City Living and Exclusive, will be closed in Newcastle. Middlesbrough titles the Times Series and Yarm Town Crier will also be wound up.

Only last week, Trinity announced the closure of nine of its Birmingham regional titles, resulting in 120 job losses – 24 of which were in print.

A number of departments across the North East are understood to be included in the latest job cuts, including 25 in editorial, however, a spokesman told PrintWeek that there weren't any redundancies planned at the Newcastle print site.

Unite national officer Steve Sibbald added: "They have just extended the contract to print The Mirror up there to 2020, so we don't foresee any redundancies. There is a reasonable future at Newcastle, as reasonable as can be expected."

The consultation period is underway and staff are expected to meet with the company this week.

Georgina Harvey, managing director at Trinity Mirror Regionals, said: "We, in common with all UK publishing companies, are facing some real challenges. As a consequence, this will involve difficult but necessary decisions to secure our long-term future.

"These actions announced today (7 July) are designed to protect our North East businesses and the majority of their employees. We are seeking volunteers from within affected groups in order to minimise any necessity for compulsory redundancies."