Phoenix lands industry Oscar for fast growth

<i>PrintWeek</i>s newly crowned Finishing Company of the Year was among the three businesses in the print sector to make the Inner City 100 list of the fastest growing inner city enterprises in the UK.

Nottinghams Phoenix Print Finishing was recognised, in what Gordon Brown has dubbed the Enterprise Oscars, for the second year in a row. It achieved growth of 185% in the period under review, 1998-2002.

Phoenix managing director Graham Masters visited London last week as part of the prize, which included masterclasses at the London Business School and a drinks reception and prize-giving at 11 Downing Street.

Rotherhams Horner Brothers Printers, which appeared at number four in the top 20 growth companies in the PrintWeek Top 500 2003, was also recognised. The 12.4m turnover business also achieved growth of 185% in the four-year review period.

Finally Regent Envelopes of Shipley made the list having recorded growth of 207%. Sales are now 4.2m.