Paper merchanting luminary passes

Shrive: outstanding motivator of people and a first-class team builder
Shrive: outstanding motivator of people and a first-class team builder

Industry colleagues are mourning former National Association of Paper Merchants president Peter Shrive who passed away earlier this month aged 77.

Shrive began his industry career in papermaking in 1960 as a trainee with Inveresk, before moving on to Star Paper.

He then switched to merchanting in 1969, taking a sales role at Robert Horne in Leeds where he worked with fellow merchanting luminaries including Tony Knight and Stephen Mason. He was subsequently appointed manager at Robert Horne’s Bolton branch.

In 1979 Shrive became group marketing manager at Robert Horne, working out of its Northampton headquarters he moved to Robert Horne Group’s headquarters in Northampton as marketing manager.

In 1983 he became managing director of RA Brand, which led, in part, to him subsequently being elected president of the NAPM in 1992.

Shrive left the trade in 1994 to pursue other interests, albeit not before helping doubling sales at Brand, creating an almost £80m business.

After he retired, he focused on his passions of photography and building model aeroplanes.

Vince Collins, who worked with Shrive for many years in various sales and marketing roles said: “I was fortunate enough to work for Peter. He gave me my first job in the paper industry, at Robert Horne Bolton in 1976. I subsequently worked for him at Brands Papers in Manchester and latterly in Rugby through the 1980s.

"Peter was an outstanding motivator of people and a first-class team builder. He had the knack of getting the best out of everyone around him, mainly due to his infectious enthusiasm and loyalty to all his staff.

“Everyone that met him liked him and all will be sad to hear of his passing. Peter was a great guy. I’m proud to have called him a friend.”

Shrive is survived by his two children, Clare and Jamie.

Due to current Covid-19 restrictions his funeral, which will take place on 4 November in Leeds, can only be attended by close friends and family.

However, donations in lieu of flowers can be made to Saint Gemma’s Hospice in Leeds.