Overmatter: marathon challenge

Overmatter is in awe of anyone who can run for a bus, never mind for many miles.

As such, a special hat-tip is in order for CFH Docmail managing director Dave Broadway, who has battled back from a serious injury and is now set to take part in the Bath half marathon in March. 

The super-fit Broadway has been a keen runner for years, but had to put aside his running shoes after breaking his hip in 2015 – he broke the head of his femur after crashing during another favoured activity, cycling, while taking part in a pursuit race at the London Velodrome.

While the details of the break are too icky to go into here, suffice to say it put a serious crimp in Broadway’s usual exercise regime, and the road to recovery has been long and tough. 

His progression over the course of 12 months from walking, to walking without crutches, to gym work to bring back the functionality in his leg has now culminated in the completion of a 10-mile road run. A-mazing! He’s now hoping to complete the Bath Half in a sub-two hours and 30 minutes time.

Dave will be running in aid of local cancer charity the Forever Friends appeal and aims to raise £10,000 – an impressive target for someone who, in his own words, “still struggles to put his socks on”.

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