Overmatter: Guy goofs around

Who needs Chris Rock and the Oscars after-party when you’ve got Guy Gecht?

With 84 days until the doors of Drupa swing open in Düsseldorf, and excitement building about what the industry will see there, EFI boss Gecht delivered a typical tongue-in-cheek tour-de-force at Drupa’s pre-show media conference last week. 

Taking a “coming attractions” movies theme, Gecht’s face was superimposed onto the Metro Goldwyn Mayer lion. He said that Drupa 2012 was like “The Return of the Jedi” due to industry legend Benny Landa’s renaissance, and that Drupa 2016 would be “The Return of the Return of the Jedi”. 

Referring to the super-fast Fiery front-end that EFI has developed for the yet-to-ship Landa presses, Gecht quipped: “It’s not a big secret to say we have not made a lot of money on this yet.”

EFI’s new buy Rialco inspired the punning “Dye Hard”, and such was Gecht’s creativity with his movie theme, he even managed to shoehorn in a reference to the upcoming Finding Dory, saying: “Even squids can swim freely in our water-based ink and be happy.”