Overmatter: font of pleasure

Overmatter is convinced there is a deep and long-standing connection between the printing and brewing industries. Beer taps are, after all, called ‘fonts’.

And it is a truth universally accepted that no serious print event would be complete without an opportunity to exchange news and views over an amber brew, or two.

How appropriate, then, that Integrity Print should choose to mark its centenary by commissioning a celebration beer from its local client, Three Daggers Brewery in Wiltshire. 

A company-wide competition to come up with a name for the special brew was won by none other than – wait for it – account manager Liz Brewer.

Managing director Mark Cornford said that Liz’s suggestion of ‘Printer’s Pleasure’ topped an impressive selection of witty and funny entries, because it “seemed to embody why we are in business; we enjoy what we do and take pride in being part of the team here”.

Liz oversaw the creation of the beer, and a Xeikon digital press – part of the group’s ‘Ready Willing and Label’ offering for artisan producers – whirred into action to produce the bespoke labels, designed by creative agency BEAF, with each bottle uniquely numbered. 

Cheers and here’s to the next 100 years!