OPL and Botany join forces to gain digital benefits

Offset Products Limited has brought pre-press in-house to improve quality and reduce turnaround times

Offset Products Limited (OPL), based in Aylesford, has brought pre-press in-house to improve quality and reduce turnaround times.

OPL has set up a new firm called OP Digital in conjunction with Tonbridge-based Botany Lithographic, with which it has invested in a CreoScitex Trendsetter 800 Quantum CTP system with Spectrum proofing, Brisque workflow and Iris 43Wide imposition proofer.

OPL general manager Graham Waters said: "Botany has handled our repro on greetings cards for years. It is familiar with how we operate and knows our work."

He added that the systems advantage was integrity from contract proof to plate.

OPL has also installed a second KBA Rapida 105 six-unit press plus coater.