News International launches <i>The Sunday Times</i> redesign

This weekend will see the first major changes to News International's publications since the company introduced full-colour presses.

The 6 July edition of The Sunday Times will have a redesign across most of the newspaper sections, excluding the Sunday Times Magazine and The Culture Magazine, and will feature a new masthead and new font.

According to reports, the other two sections will be redesigned at a later date.

The Sunday Times editor John Witherow said: "It's the first time in its 186-year history that The Sunday Times can use colour in all sections and we plan to use it to banish greyness and to reinvigorate the newsprint sections.

"I hope the redesign will make the paper brighter and bolder without losing any of its authority."

The newspaper's masthead is only slightly altered and still aims to maintain a traditional look. However, the newspaper's font is completely original and was designed by the newspaper.

The redesign was masterminded by Al Trivino, the art director for News International projects, who designed thelondonpaper freesheet.