New year predictions: Susan Graham, FLB Group/Print Scotland

Graham: I am confident that a positive future lies in store for the industry in Scotland
Graham: I am confident that a positive future lies in store for the industry in Scotland

In her dual role as managing director of the diary and notebook specialist and newly appointed president of the Scottish trade body, she's clearly used to various perspectives, so it probably comes as no surprise she believes communication is key to rising to challenges and seizing opportunities.

What positives are you able to draw on from the experiences of 2021?
How lucky we are that we had the ability to develop a vaccine so quickly that will save and help so many and allow us to function again and adaptive and resilient businesses and people have been. I've also been encouraged by those who have turned a challenge into an opportunity.

What trend do you think has been accelerated because of the impact of Covid?
There are a few: Use of online communications such as Teams, Zoom and Skype, hybrid business transacting – digitally, online and in person, and hybrid and flexible working – yes it can be achieved in manufacturing! And when it comes to negative trends, then it has to be the creation of a fearful culture, which creates demand in the wrong way.

What do you think will represent the single biggest opportunity for printers in 2022?
It definitely depends on the sector. But if businesses can harness opportunities as communication partners, then there are some great opportunities for print to work with businesses. The key to this whole situation has been communication during a period of great unknowns. The there's reshoring, thanks to the increased possibilities for work to come back to the UK and Scotland due to the pandemic and Brexit.

What are your hopes for 2022?
A more stable economy. Prices for everything are still on the up for both individuals and for businesses. I believe this will continue for Q1 and Q2, but, hopefully, as we learn to live with life after the pandemic it will resolve to a more stable level.

Describe your ‘new normal’?
Where do you start? Hybrid businesses models. Less travelling. A combination of digital, online and in person selling and business transactions. More sustainable business models. Sustainability for the future generations will be a must. Flexible working. Work will be something we do in our overall lives rather than somewhere we go.

What piece of advice do you wish you had been given?
I'm very lucky and have always been given good advice.

What, if anything, will you do differently in 2022?
Nothing differently, I believe we did the best with what we were facing and will continue to fight hard in these difficult times. It takes a lot of mental endurance for companies as a collective to keep pushing.

What’s your favourite Christmas cracker joke?
What do you get if you cross a Snowman and a Vampire

Sprouts: yes or no?
With Chestnuts and bacon, yes.

Are you making any New Year's resolutions?
I never make resolutions, if you need to get it done, get it done now.