New Year predictions - Screen Europe's Brian Filler

Brian Filler, senior vice president, Screen Europe

What trend do you think 2012 will be remembered for?

2012 will be remembered for high-speed inkjet making the breakthrough into replacing general offset production rather than just transactional applications

What do you think will represent the single biggest opportunity for printers in 2013 and why?

The adoption of cloud-based applications for many different areas of print production to enable streamlined, always on and always updated workflows and production processes.

What do you think will represent the single biggest threat for printers in 2013 and why?

There are different threats for different sectors but the increasing use of tablet computers will unquestionably affect the magazine and book market.

What’s the one thing that the industry should do more of, or do better, in 2013?

While the public still believe that buying a book is killing a tree, we can never claim to have done enough to promote print as an environmentally sustainable business

What was your highlight of 2012?

Jessica Ennis winning the heptathlon in style!

What are your hopes for 2013?

That our customers will continue to find new applications that extend the use of digital printing onto all manner of different substrates and for all varieties of high-value products. One of my hopes is that by the end of 2013, we will no longer be talking about ‘being in transition’ (whether from conventional to digital, or from recession to growth etc.) hopefully we will be in full flow with our extensive digital product range having built on our now considerable foundations. That, and of course, Spurs making the champions league!

What was the most important thing that you learnt in 2012?

This holds true for every year: You cannot base your future on what has worked in the past. You have to constantly monitor the market and deliver leading-edge technology the market needs as it evolves.

What will you do differently in 2013?

I would like to get my golf down to single figures.

What does the industry need to do differently in 2013?

In 2013, the industry needs to re-find its confidence and persuade banks to open their purse strings again. The industry can only move forward and develop better/different services by continuing to invest in people, ideas and technology.